Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dealing with old blogs and posts

Start bloging as novice and continue posting articles woven around thoughts, facts, news, views and any thing on earth. “Bloging is writing Internet diary” is the notion you lived with just to land at the latest Internet scenario depicting you old and outdated.

Ok! What is problem? Do as per demand of time, after all “achieving new horizon always” should be lifestyle. But there is a catch, your Internet property has grown to several thousands posts ranging from few lines to very meticulously well researched matters on nice subjects and hold your breath that it has earned you a fortune.

Yes! The Internet fortune has earned you a lot of Internet traffic, hundreds of comments, book marks, quoted links and all that involving a lot of reputation may be good and may be bad too.

One fine morning all vanished suddenly leaving you with just few percent visitor turnout.

Yes it happened with me, shocking, but after several months of research one amazing fact started hammering continuously.

It all is for fathoming new depths and exploring new horizons in Internet universe.

Just feeling, strong sense, I can not figure out any factual data to share with you, but whatever bloging and web content creation experience I gathered over long years, is clearly whispering to me “Start afresh for bigger scene, unimaginable heights and depths”.

For now only one thing to share, I have put all stuff scattered over many blogs and websites in a single website, after all those are sweet memories of “feel of the moment”, which happened to be top one at that time.

So all my writing, of historic importance to me, ranging from few lines to mega articles are resting at lovable spot to rest forever and I don’t expect it to be big from web development perspective.

Only space I love for it to be little, small and cozy cyber corner for lovely memories…

1 comment:

  1. आज भी स्थिति बेहतर है।
